Early intervention and prevention services refer to the provision of early support to children and their caregivers to prevent problems from occurring, or address them early to prevent them from worsening. They are often referred to as secondary services and are targeted towards children and families who are at risk of poor outcomes, including children who have developmental delays and disabilities.

Early Childhood Development

Early childhood development (ECD) services are interventions designed to promote optimal physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and motor development in young children, by targeting children during the period when brain development is most rapid (0-8). The greatest determinant of optimal development in children is nurturing care (care that is sensitive to a child’s holistic needs) provided by a primary caregiver/s. As such, ECD is closely related to care. ECD strategies therefore often seek to create the conditions that allow caregivers to provide nurturing care, including meeting children’s health, nutrition, education and protection needs.

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