Signing Projects Agreement

Phnom Penh: On June 29, 2023, Save the Children International had the pleasure to announce that we have renewed a three-year collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY). This partnership will enable us to work closely with MoSVY on three major projects, i.e. SIDA CSO Strengthening, Promoting the Protection and Inclusion of Children Discriminated due to their Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression and Sex Characteristics/SOGIESC in Cambodia (SOGIESC), and Eliminate Violence Against Children in School (EVACiS) project.

In this partnership, our goal is to promote the rights of children as stipulated in the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) in the Kingdom of Cambodia, particularly the rights of the most vulnerable children and victims of violence, abuse, and neglect.  While contributing to the implementation of the strategic plan of the Royal Government, notably the Child Protection Sector Strategic Implementation Plan of MoSVY.

“These projects are designed to enhance the quality of life for all children, especially those who are vulnerable due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities, minority or disadvantaged backgrounds,” according to Hong Reaksmey, the Country Director of Save the Children in Cambodia, “we work collaboratively with stakeholders, and partner organizations at national and sub-national levels to develop joint plans and implement activities that address the unique needs of these children.”