Voice International

Voice is a humanitarian organisation working with people in crisis in Cambodia.


VOICE envisages a world where individual voices are heard, people are no longer marginalised and disempowered, and human rights are respected and upheld.


  • To make a difference in the lives of marginalised and disempowered people
  • To educate the public on the issues of marginalised and disempowered people
  • To be a sustainable, accountable, and transparent charity

What VOICE is doing

VOICE works with socially and economically marginalised children and families in Cambodia to support them in accessing their human rights.

VOICE assists children and families in accessing food, shelter, healthcare, education, safety and employment.

Our case managers use a strength-based approach to equip clients with the skills, knowledge, resources and support necessary to enable them to change their own lives.


Action with Family Care First (FCF)

VOICE shares Family Care First’s commitment of increasing the percentage of children in Cambodia living in safe, nurturing and family based care. Cooperating and collaborating with FCF members is core to this commitment. VOICE is a regular attendee of FCF meetings, professional development opportunities and is currently applying for membership into one of FCF’s Thematic Sub-Groups. In 2018, FCF member Children in Families have supported VOICE in migrating our client data to OSCaR to record and refer client cases. OSCAR was developed by Children in Families, with technical support from Save the Children International, and funding from USAID.

VOICE has also collaborated with FCF members on high-risk cases to support children in remaining in family based care.