Working Collaboratively to Support Children with Disabilities

Enabling Independence and Mobility

Sreyno, a four-year old girl, now lives with her mother, grandparents, and uncle. Her parents divorced when she was born, and she was being raised by her grandparents.

Due to poverty, Sreyno’s family were not able to provide her with a nutritious diet.  In addition, Sreyno had meningitis as a baby. As Sreyno developed, it became clear she was having difficulties with mobility.

With FCF | REACT and Safe Haven’s support, Children’s Future International (CFI) staff have been increasing their awareness of disabilities. CFI encourages local authorities to identify children with particular needs and refer them to CFI for support. As a result, CFI received a referral from the Commune Council for Women and Children (CCWC) regarding Sreyno’s situation.

(Photo: Children’s Future International)

CFI worked in partnership with Sreyno’s family and CCWC in her community to understand her needs. CFI provided a range of essential items to meet the family’s immediate safety needs and agreed to provide additional support to enable the family to become self-sustaining.

CFI social workers provided support so that Sreyno could attend the Regional Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Battambang for specialist assessment. The centre provided prosthetic legs and will continue to undertake three monthly on-going assessments to refit and adapt the prosthetics, as required.

(Photo: Children’s Future International,

Sreyno learning to walk with her prosthetic legs)

Vanny, Sreyno’s Case Manger explained “CFI will remain working with this family for a while yet, supporting family members to learn new vocations. Once the situation is improved and safe, we will reduce supports to ensure the family do not become dependent on CFI”.

This has enabled Sreyno to become more mobile and independent, which she and her family are very excited about. CFI’s social workers have encouraged the family to register Sreyno in school and family members are planning so that she can be safely transported to and from school.  Sreyno’s family look forward to her learning with other children her age.