Our Brand
Our branding starts with a consistent message that we are sending out. The message can also be tailored when you talk to different to key target audiences: Partners, Donors, Government and Institutions, the Media, Child Protection Stakeholders and the Beneficiaries.
Our Message
Family Care First, let by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), is a network of organizations, financially supported by USAID.
We aim to support more than 7,000 children to live in safe, nurturing family based care.
Research demonstrates that family based care is important for a child’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. In 2017 there were more than 16,000 children living in residential care institutions in Cambodia. Approximately 80% of these children have one or both parents living.
Family Care First, facilitated by Save the Children, aims to enable a strong network of organizations to support children living in safe, nurturing family based care. We work collaboratively, with the government, local and international NGOs, academic institutions and UN agencies, to promote and strengthen family based care. With more than 60 member organizations, some of whom are funded, we are working to prevent children from being separated from their families and increase the number of children that are safely and successfully integrated into family care. We do this by strengthening systems and policies and working directly to provide services to children and families. In 2018, Family Care First provided direct support to 5,443 people and reached indirectly 102,344 individuals.