Remedial services are often called tertiary child protection services. These are tailored responses for children who have experienced maltreatment, been identified as at-risk of significant harm, or who are separated. They may also include services that provide support to children’s parents and caregivers. Formal alternative care services are part of the remedial service system, as are other statutory child protection services.

Investigative Services

Child protection investigative services are responsible for responding to reports of risk or harm that meet the statutory threshold for tertiary child protection interventions. The investigation process typically includes notification, assessment, determinations (whether claims are substantiated or unsubstantiated) and referrals (to ensure the immediate and long-term safety needs of children are met). Investigations may involve law enforcement, where the concern or allegation is of a criminal nature, and claims/concerns substantiated through the assessment process may be referred to courts or gatekeeping bodies for care-related orders or plans.

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