Systems and Polices
Family Care First is working with the Cambodian government to agree a common approach to child protection and system strengthening, which includes developing a national plan to strengthen the child protection mechanisms. We have also been providing technical support to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), including the development of reintegration guidelines, including for children who have disabilities or are displaying sexually harmful behavior.
Family Care First is supporting the development of an online case management system (OSCaR) which is now being utilized by 16 organizations and MoSVY to enable clearer data on vulnerable children and to enable easier referrals between organizations. Family Care First is also undertaking research into the online sexual exploitation of children in Cambodia.
Our members work on 5 actions under ‘Systems and Policies’:
- Social work standards and training needs assessment
- Family and children vulnerability index
- Case management system (OSCaR)
- Guideline for Integration of children with SHB and Disability Assessment
- Online sexual exploitation of children research (OSEC)
Services and Practices
Family Care First partners work at the community level to provide direct support to strengthen vulnerable families and communities to prevent unnecessary child-family separation and to place children into safe, nurturing family based care, including to biological family, kinship care and foster care.
We are providing technical support and guidance to RCI’s who require support to transition to a family based care model. The project has also undertaken a donor behavior change campaign to raise awareness about the importance of supporting children in families rather than institutions.
Our members work on 7 actions under ‘Services and Practices’:
- Promotion of social work as a valued profession
- Holistic family based care
- Case management system (OSCaR)
- Investing in innovation – Service delivery
- Positive parenting
- Provincial workforce development
- Reintegration of children from residential care institutions